M&M Consulting Also Offers:

Career Guidance ~ This is generally a one-on-one meeting(s) in order for M&M Consulting to collect all of the information, and discuss with the Student their current employment goals, education, and living situation. This will allow M&M Consulting to develop a career path that will assist the Student in driving towards his/her desired career goals. This information will also help M&M Consulting inform the Student on the requirments that will need to be met in order for them to obtain their career goals. (Example: in order to be a Legal Secretary, they must understand the educational qualifications etc.) The Student will also be encouraged to set realistic goals for themselves.

One-On-One Image Consulting ~ M&M Consulting can meet on a one-on-one basis with a Student, in order to assist them with creating an appropriate work-related Image. This will or may include proper grooming and hair style, dressing not only for a proper Business Image but for what is appropriate for their job and rank, how to conduct themselves in business-related circumstances, phone etiquette, how to market themselves, what Image the Student wants colleagues to have of them, and much more! (A schedule of preset hours will be determined.)

Confidential Interviewing Skills ~ Some individuals benefit the most from a private classroom setting, or at least in small groups. M&M Consulting can offer this type of environment to the Student in order to discuss more personal issues, how to market themselves, discuss concerns, and therefore increase the confidence and education the Student can receive.

The Applicant must be equipped with the knowledge to show to the Prospective Employer how and why they are the best candidate. The Interviewing process can be extremely stressful, and can be intimidating to most applicants. M&M Consulting can offer the Student the knowledge and confidence they need to be successful at their next employment opportunity.

Career Development Consulting: